[Neuzugänge] Ich konnte einfach nicht widerstehen


Mein letzter Neuzugang ist noch nicht allzu lange her und schon kommt der nächste. Ein Buch erwarte ich noch, aber das wird erst wohl im März geliefert. Dieser Neuzugang kam auch eigentlich nur zustande, weil ich für meine BLL ein Buch kaufen musste und das hat 16,90€ gekostet. Für ein TASCHENBUCH mit 170 Seiten! Da mussten natürlich noch ein paar Bücher bestellt werden, die mich auch wirklich interessieren. Und um den Preis zu kaschieren, damit er nicht ganz so weh tut. 
Aber kommen wir zu den Neuzugängen, bei denen ich das Buch für die BLL nicht mitzähle und ignoriere.

Mark Lawrence - Prince of Thorns
When he was nine, he watched as his mother and brother were killed before him. By the time he was thirteen, he was the leader of a band of bloodthirsty thugs. By fifteen, he intends to be king... It is time for Prince Honorous Jorg Ancrath to return to the castle he turned his back on, to take what's rightfully his. Since the day he hung pinned on the thorns of a briar patch and watched Count Renar's men slaughter his mother and young brother. Jorg has been driven to vent his rage. Life and death are no more than a game to him - and he has nothing left to lose. But Treachery awaits him in his father's castle. Treachery and dark magic. No matter how fierce his will, can one young man conquer enemies with power beyond his imagining?

Marie Lu - Champion
June and Day have sacrificed so much for the people of the Republic—and each other—and now their country is on the brink of a new existence. June is back in the good graces of the Republic, working within the government’s elite circles as Princeps-Elect, while Day has been assigned a high-level military position. 
But neither could have predicted the circumstances that will reunite them: just when a peace treaty is imminent, a plague outbreak causes panic in the Colonies, and war threatens the Republic’s border cities. This new strain of plague is deadlier than ever, and June is the only one who knows the key to her country’s defense. But saving the lives of thousands will mean asking the one she loves to give up everything. 

Leigh Bardugo - Shadow and Bone
Alina Starkov doesn't expect much from life. Orphanes by the Border Wars, she is sure of only one thing: her best friend, Mal - and her inconvenient crush on him. Until the day their army regiment enters the Fold, a swath of unnatural darkness crawling with monsters. When their convoy is attacked and Mal is brutally injured, Alina reveals a dormant power not even she knew existed. Ripped from everything she knows, Alina is taken to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling. With Alina's extraordinary power in his arsenal, he believes they can finally destroy the Fold. Now Alina must find a way to master her untamed gift and somehow fit into her new life without Mal by her side. But nothing in this lavish world is what it seems. As the threat to the kingdom mounts and her dangerous attraction to the Darkling grows, Alina will uncover a secret that could tear her heart - and her country - in two.

Victoria Aveyard - Red Queen
This is a world divided by blood - red or silver.
Reds are commoners, rules by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change. That is, until a twist of fate brings her before the Silver court. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that despite her red bloos, she possesses a deadly ability of her own. Fearful of Mare's potetial, the king hides her on plain view: betrothed to his youngest son. Trapped, Mare decides to use her new position to bring down the regime - from the inside. But this is a game of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance - Reda against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart...

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  1. Schöne Neuzugänge hast du da! Ich bin schon gespannt, was du zu "Shadow and Bone" sagen wirst. Mir hat das Buch gut gefallen :)

    1. Ich bin auch schon ganz gespannt :) Ich habe viel gutes über die Bücher gehört und ich hoffe ich komme dazu es in den Ferien zu lesen


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